
The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend #1+2

Created by M Sorcier

A cute, funny, light-hearted story chock full of dark humor that reads like a D&D campaign where everyone rolls a 1.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

I think we're safe? We're safe!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 12:46:13 PM

Hey there, wonderful backers!

So, something happens every time I'm about to announce a milestone - we hit the milestone and then a few backers drop and set us below the milestone again. It's a curse, I tells ya. 

Anyway, since we've hit the 90 backer mark, I promised I'd show what the bonus desktop wallpaper for the 100 backer milestone was and here it is in all of its feathered glory!

So what's the deal with the chicken? You'll have to read the actual story to find out ;)

It's the last five days and I'll be making the final push to get this thing funded as best I can. I can't see it not getting there by the end *stares at last minute backers*, but it would have been nice to dive into stretch goals for extra goodies. We'll see where we land by the end.

As part of my giving a last hurrah to get this campaign over the line, I'll be on IzzyVerse tomorrow at 6:30pm EST. Izzy and I go way back and it's always a pleasure chatting with him! Here's a link to the show so you can tune in!

I'll also be on Keeping it Geekly on Wednesday at 1pm EST. Here's a link to the show!

Thank you all for giving this new series a chance. To those who are familiar with Sacrimony, thanks so much for sticking around to see what Buddy and Friend is about and to those who are just joining me, thank you all so  much for giving me a chance, in general. With so much amazing content going around on Kickstarter and the indie comics world in general, it's an honor that you've chosen to spend a bit of time to get to know my work.

Thanks so much for your support. 


Also, here are some cool campaigns that you should check out!

Children of Gaia: Fantasy Game, Comic, and Coloring Book!

Join  the clash between gunpowder & magic, & discover the wilds of  realms unknown across multiple media in this sci-fi fantasy epic!

The lovely folks at Oneshi Press are doing something unique with their Children of Gaia series. Not only are they giving you a comic, but they've also got a one shot TTRPG campaign that can be completed in less than an hour and they've got a coloring book! 

And one of the coolest parts of their campaigns is that they plant a tree for every backer! I don't know what more you can ask for out of a Kickstarter campaign. 

Click here to check out Children of Gaia and also plant some trees!

Elemental Dragon Glitter Dice & Zodiac Dragon Tapestries!

Resin Dragon Dice inspired by the four elements with Zodiac inspired Dragon tapestries.

So, this isn't comic related, but it's super heckin' cool. I love D&D (if you couldn't tell by my Buddy and Friend pitch) and I love dice. I love all of the cool, innovative things that people do with dice. Just look at those cute lil dragons in there! And also they're element themed! AND THERE'S GLITTER!!! How cool is that!? 

Click here to check out the campaign and get some cute dice and also cool tapestries!

We're so close!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 01:37:00 PM

Hey there, wonderful backers!

We need just $291 left to get funded with 8 days to go! Huzzah!

As we're getting closer and closer to the funding goal, we're also getting closer to the big reveal for our stretch goals and milestones! Our first milestone goal is a desktop wallpaper that will be unlocked when we hit 100 backers. The design will be revealed when we hit 90 backers, which we're only 2 backers away from!

Our first stretch goal will be a bonus sticker that will be unlocked when we hit the $3000 mark and that design will be revealed once we're funded, which should also happen very soon!

Are you excited? I'm excited!

Also, here are some other campaigns that are very exciting!

MANDRILL P.I. #1-4 – A noir tale for cartoon lovers

A  hardboiled detective uncovers a plot full of corruption & MAD  SCIENCE. If he can learn to rely on his friends, then he MIGHT survive.

MANDRILL P.I. Issue #4 is the 24-page fourth chapter in the story of a hardboiled,  hard-drinking private detective in a cartoon city who must solve the  murder of its foremost celebrity. As he investigates the crime, he  learns of a deadly conspiracy that festers behind the scenes and  threatens to engulf the entire town—a conspiracy filled with MAD SCIENCE  and insanity that would only be possible in a cartoon world!

Click here to check out Mandrill P.I.

MAGIC POWDER Volume 1: 95 pages of MAGIC POWDER in one book!

Combining the fantasy crime action of Issues 1, 2, 3, and the lore from The Thesz Report into one collected graphic novel!

MAGIC POWDER begins at the end of a long truce in the city of Thesz.  The MAGIC POWDER clans have been working together for over two decades,  but one wrong decision from The Dwarvfather puts everything in jeopardy.

Dwarves, goblins, orcs, elves, minotaurs, gorgons, and more fight for  their piece of the MAGIC POWDER pie. These first three issues are  packed full of action, and the lore from The Thesz Report fills in any  blanks on the "who's who" of the city of Thesz.

Click here to check out Magic Powder!

IN THE LAND OF THE DRAGON #1-2: Cyberpunk Fantasy Comic Book

The  kidnapping of a child with unknown powers sparks a war between two  warring corporations in a world forged of magic and technology.

The mercenary Kenzo is tasked with an unusual mission: kidnap a baby! Not just any baby, though, one whose existence can shift the seat of power in the sprawling metropolis.

Mercenaries like Kenzo work for various corporations as guns for hire  to carry out their dreadful will. The most powerful of these  corporations, "The Dreamless," has commissioned Kenzo to take this child from their arch-enemies, "The Children of the Kingdom of Heaven."

As the secret this child bears comes to light, Kenzo will have to  choose whether to follow the code of the mercenaries or put the child  first to save her from the "destiny" these corporations have laid upon  her.

Click here to check out In the Land of the Dragon!

Spread the love!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 08:33:45 AM

Hey there, wonderful backers!

Where has all the time gone!? Also Happy Valentine's Day!!

We've got ten days left to go and we're chugging along in a very chill manner. As of now, we've got just $362 left to get funded and I am VERY EXCITED! Soon we can start talking stretch goals and milestones, which is always my favorite part of running a campaign. I love being able to do something a little extra for you lovely folks who helped bring these books to life.

That being said, if you can help spread the word about the campaign to anyone you think might be interested, that'd be a huge help. If there's anyone in your life that loves tabletop games or RPGs or stupidly silly comics, Buddy and Friend is definitely up their alley. 

You can also help spread the word with these handy dandy social media links

Here's a handy dandy link to share it on twitter!

Here's a handy dandy link to share it on facebook!

Thanks so much for being a part of this campaign and helping bring this new series to life! I'm really excited to get this stupidly silly story into your hands and hopefully spark some joy in your life!


Also, I wanted to share the love for some cool stuff that my friends are doing!

Every so often, I get the honor of launching a Kickstarter campaign alongside some of my very cool comics pals. Here's some stuff that they've got going on right now that you should check out!

Sunmaker #1-3: Frozen Apocalyptic Fantasy Final Chapter

One man must decide if preserving his legacy is worth becoming a monster.

So... It might sound messed up to say, but I'm a fan of what appear to be no-win situations in fiction. I've learned pretty early on that not everyone can get exactly what they want without upsetting someone else and it's a lesson that's always stuck with me. Drawn by artist pal Ryan Kroboth, Sunmaker absolutely delivers on the no-win-ness.

Tibhan is a Sunmaker, who is destined to bring back warmth into the frozen wastes and keep the fire of life going, but it appears that he would be doing so at the cost of its icy inhabitants. I had the pleasure of reading issue #1 a few years back and I absolutely cannot wait to see how the story wraps up!

Click here to check out Sunmaker!

PORTRAITS - 4th sketchBOOK by artist Michael Penick

A 200 page collection of random pen and ink portraits, over half of which have never been seen before.

Fellow comic artist/writer Mike Penick has a campaign going on for his portrait sketchbook. I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for a good portrait and Mike's portraits are absolutely GORGEOUS!

There's so much great technical stuff going on with contrast, textures and some very delicate linework. I can happily stare at his art all day and feel like it was time well spent. 

Click here to check out Portraits!

Meet the Cast: Leo
about 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 10:05:10 AM

Hey there, wonderful backers!

The campaign is happily chugging along at 80% funded and still creeping closer and closer to the fully funded mark!

Last update, I talked a bit about Buddy, so let's get to know Leo a little better.

Leo is the "friend" in "Buddy and Friend". His name is short for Leopold Frederick Maximillian Archibald Hamfist III and he is an accountant. He is a barbarian with a heart of gold who hails from the frigid northlands of Winterfrost. 

When I first designed Leo, his helmet had bunny ears on it instead of  cat ears. Around the time I was conceptualizing Buddy and Friend in 2012, I realized Adventure Time was super popular and I didn't feel good about keeping Leo's bunny ears, lest I get accused of ripping off the show. I thought about what other animal ears would be fun to put on a helmet and I don't think I've ever seen cat ears get used before, so I went with cat ears. 

Being a barbarian, Leo is strong. Like, very very strong. Which makes him great at fighting.

On the other hand, he is not your stereotypical angry rage barbarian who solves all of his problems with violence. He is kind, sensitive and likes to talk about his feelings, unlike Buddy. In addition, he is zealously dedicated to the concept of being good and doing good things at all costs, which clashes with the way that Buddy lives his life. 

A lot of issues throughout the story hinge on how Buddy and Leo go about solving their problems, with Leo wanting to do the right thing no matter what, and Buddy wanting to do the lazy thing to get it all overwith as quickly as possible. 

Will they ever be able to find a middle ground? Or will their differing outlooks cause lots of wacky hijinks along the way?

I think you know the answer to that...

Thanks so much for your support!


Also, here's some other cool campaigns that you should check out!

Witches of the Wild

A story of magic and wonder

Witches of the Wild Follows Xiomara, and her close friends, Carla, Matilda, and a new transfer student Zander. As another year unfolds, these hopeful academy pupils will try their best to find a perfect balance between their everyday lives and their magical ones. In this series, you’re introduced to the magical world of “The Witches of the Wild Academy”.

Xiomara Diaz, Xio for short, is 3 years in and is having the hardest time unlocking the so-called “great potential” she keeps hearing she has. Stuck in the lower class for another year, Xio is unsure that she will ever find her spirit animal and finally make her way into the upper class. She must lean on her friends to make it through another year.

Click here to check out Witches of The Wild!

Shark of War Issues 1-6

Cry Havoc And Let Loose The Whales of War!

Gnasher thought he'd badly hurt his enemies, the powerful Coastal Cartel and the brilliantly evil, Dr. Brooke Douglas. But they've been one step ahead of him all along.

Thanks to Douglas' cyborg sea creatures, the Coastal Cartel has ruthlessly become the most powerful criminal empire on Earth, killing their enemies across the world, while delivering their drugs anywhere that the water meets the land.

And now, they're unleashing a weapon even more powerful than the Shark of War - a horde of cyborg Orcas. It's time for The Whales of War!

Can even the world's mightiest shark withstand his a horde of Orcas with all his powers?

Click here to check out Shark of War!

Meet the cast: Buddy
about 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 08:00:39 AM

Hey there, wonderful backers!

It's been a week since this campaign launched and we're sitting comfortably at 76% funded and counting. I'm estimating we'll be fully funded within the next week and we can start moving onto all the extra stretch goal goodies.

In the meanwhile, I wanted to talk a bit about the cast of Buddy and Friend starting with the main character, himself: Buddy. 

I honestly can't remember how I came up with the name for Buddy aside from looking at him and going "He looks kinda like a Buddy." I also thought about all the "Hey, Buddy" and "You're not my Buddy" jokes I could have as a running gag. I didn't really follow through with all of those gags, but the name remained because... well, he looks like a Buddy. 

Design-wise, I gave him a lot of things that I enjoy about fantasy weapons and armor. The conical helmet is my favorite style of helmet, but it also turns Buddy into an excellent projectile, since his head is shaped like a bullet, pretty much. Expect him to get thrown around a lot. 

I gave him a flail and shield because flails are fun and you don't really see them a lot in fantasy stories, which is unfortunate. Truth be told, though, it's so easy to hurt yourself with your own flail so.. I kinda get it. 

I am a fan of flails and maces over swords. Swords are fine and dandy, but once a flail or mace is done with an enemy, they're going to pretty much need a can opener to get out of their armor and I, personally, find that hilarious. If I had to pick an all-time favorite weapon, it'd be a mace. 

Personality-wise, Buddy is a bit of a wildcard. I can't really say he's a good guy, but he's not a bad guy either. He sits right there in the middle as a "get things done in the laziest way possible" kind of guy, which... I can totally relate to. There are times where he means well, but his actions might not necessarily reflect that and that gets him into trouble. Overall, he tries to go with the flow of what's happening and make the most out of a situation. 

It'll be interesting to see what happens to Buddy and how he handles it as he suddenly gets dragged into a quest to save the world from demons. I certainly can't wait to see what happens and I hope you're as excited as I am!

Thank you so much for your support!


But wait! There's more! Here's some other cool campaigns for you to check out!

Bullet Adventures 1-3: The Speedy Superhero Series Continues

Continuing the adventures with the SECOND & THIRD issues! Fast paced action + family dynamics = modern approach to classic superheroics

After Dale’s time travelling in the debut issue, Bullet Adventures #2 brings the hasty heroics to the present day where our super speedster squares off against a modern version of Diamond Dust. Issue 3 introduces the incredible new villain Cupid. Pick up either book with your choice of covers by Nicolás Carrizo & Francesca Cittarelli or Lara Kane.

Click here to check out Bullet Adventures #1-3!

The Crimebusters #1-5: Supernatural Mystery Adventure!

While investigating a mystery, Trixie and Chuck are trapped in a haunted museum by a sinister cult!

I'm pretty sure that, since I've launched my first Sacrimony Kickstarter campaign, Scott Harris and I have been running campaigns at the exact same time over the past few years.

It's always a delight to see him put out a new issue of The Crimebusters because I really enjoy the Archie/Scooby Doo/Nancy Drew vibes of the series. If you're a fan of teen mysteries with a great sense of humor, then The Crimebusters is absolutely up your alley!

Click here to check out The Crimebusters #1-5!